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Monday, 2 January 2012

In loving memory.

Was watching beauty gurus on youtube and i browsed through one of Meganheartsmakeup's video dedicated to one of her dearest friends, Ben breedlove. Some people already know his story cos i've like already seen posts of him on tumblr. He passed away on christmas day. & One of his friends discovered these 2 videos he had posted before his death, just a day after he passed away. I Just watched them, it was super touching, even teared can. It changes your perspective in life and taught me to learn to treasure what i have & who i have now before i loose it or them. It also taught me to live life to the fullest. He was so young & died such a tragic death. He didn't get to do sports or have fun like other teens did. This New Year's i gotta learn to appreciate the things around me & the people around me. He's story has been spread a lot. Kid cudi featured him on his tumblr. Kim Kardashian tweeted about him. He was talked about on CNN & other news channels. I really hope it continues to spread. Super touching & motivational.
Wanna Watch it?
Part 1
Part 2

Couldn't help but post this too.
Was listening to the song "a drop in the ocean", & i found it so familiar.. went to google it & fount out it was the song played in TVD's season 3 episode 1 the super nice scene where stephen calls elena but doesn't talk but she knows its him & tells him she loves him & he fucken cries. ugh never fail to cry each time i see that scene. oh well, here's the video. Must watch luh, like serious, for real, no joke.
*disclaimer: Tyler & Caroline's sex scene; ZOMG. fucken hot. Okayy, carry on:>

& another oneeee. Having a total TVD moment luhhh. ZOMG. Miss TVD too much, suffering from TVD withdrawal symptoms now.. BUT NO FEAR, its just 4 more days, 4 MORE FUCKING DAYS till TVD returns yoh! Happygirl96!

Let me take a moment to mention, I Ship Stelena & all, but FFS, can Delena get together already?! Ugh, the suspense is killer. KthxBye.

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