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Wednesday, 7 March 2012

KONY 2012.

Hello Darlings! I know i don't usually update on wednesdays, i update on Thursdays. But here's an exception i guess? I had like 2 essays to rush through, & i completed them just so i could post this.

So i guess most of you have heard of KONY 2012? Well, i have. Its a really motivational & inspiring project that is out together by thousand of peeps around the world with a common goal, the capture of Joseph Koby. Not only is this project by a thousand peeps, most of them are teens like you & i. Some even younger.

Basically, In a developing country such as uganda, many things are taken for granted. Poverty & all just can be helped, i mean you can't stop the inevitable right? But Joseph Kony is a sick bastard who abducts kids from their homes & builds an army with these poor abductees.  Of which these kids are forced to do his biding, if not risk getting killed. They are given guns & asked to shoot whoever Kony deems fit & word of all, their own parents are some of the victims of the shootings. Also, Kony Forces them to go around disfiguring random people. For no apparent reason. Talk about sick much? This has been going on for many years now & these kids are so afraid of being abducted, they all stay in this safe house, cramped & packed together. The place is hardly sterile nor fit for any human to live in, yet thousands of children squeeze in their for the sake of saint heir own lives & those around them.

So it started with this film maker, Jason Russell. He was in uganda where he met a boy named Jacob who shared his experience with the "rebels" The group of guys, lead by Kony, who abducts these kids. He & his brother were both abducted nee before, his brother tried to escape, & cony had him killed by severing his neck, in front of his own brother. Jacob has ever since been traumatized. He wishes ever so much for just one chace to see his brother again & tell him how much he loves him. He even told Jason that he would rather die then live in this world. Which is truly very sad.

Jason Russell.


Okay so this is beginning to be really ranty, but here's the main thing, Jason promised Jacob that he would not stop till those bastards were served with justice. So he kept to his promise, ever since then, almost 10 yard ago, jason has been working very hard with a ever-growing team of people, TRI, to help out what they call, "the invisible children". They've been spreading awareness through talks & campaigns. They've been building this team, off which comprise of many teens form around the world, they donate about a few dollars everyday form the little they have, to help fund this project is the capture of Kony. They've even managed to get the attention of congressmans, politicians & even Barrack Obama himself. & Obama has even sent a team over to ugana to help in the arrest of that bastard. But to no avail & The team needs to spread even more awareness. They need famous stars & celebrities, and politicians around the world to know about, talk about it & makes an impression of it to others.

You may be thinking "what the fuck can i do to help?" but no, there are things you can do. You can start by spreading the awareness, also you can help by donating & even get the Kony 2012 action kit set. It may sound like a scam & all. But no. This is no joke. There are alr millions of peeps around the world making videos to appeal to celebrities such as Rihanna, lady gaga & even Anglina Jolie to help & spam calling & writing letters to politicians to help out.

Join TRI or Donate to Invisible Children:
Purchase KONY 2012 products:
Sign the Pledge:

I got ALL this information just form watching one video, So just take 30 mins & do check it out if you can, it will be worth it.
This video really touched my heart & inspired me. I told my parents about it & they're even considering donating. & i might even wanna get the action kit. I hope it inspires you to extend a helping hand out to this helpless & needy people of ugana too. If we don't help our own kind, Who will?

Have A Heart. 

Thanks For reading, stay tuned for my update tomorrow too! Bye.

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