Oh, yes you do. & only you.
Hello Darlings! Okay, so this is a real short update, depending on my mood as the post progresses. Might add a random rant below. Haha, shall see:> Oh well, so today was quite normal i guess, like nth much special ehy? Woke up & caught latest ep of TVD. Its was OKAY only i guess.
*disclaimer: the following part is a TVD rant, if your strongly against reading it or simply have no interest in reading, just skip it alright:>
Haha, it was niceee lah. But like thing was.. DELENA, Y U NO HAVE ANOTHER KISSING SCENE?!:( Well, i thought there'd be something after the big kiss & all.. but sadly, NO. Ohwell, they say some love never die aye? Hope it ends as delena & not stelena:/ But gotta admit.. the tyler & caroline scene in the beginning was super touching & damn sad:'( Fuck klaus. Sucha inconsiderate muthafarker luhh. Ohwell, he's lived for a few centuries, he's gotta be some cranky old bitch by now. OKAY, i don't ask for much, but just that DELENA just get together already! Pleaseeeeeeeee, this is sexually frustrating y'know. The suspense is super killer:(
Okayy, for those TVD fans out there or ppl who are all, "whaddup with this fangirl lug? Whats so eff good about this show luhh?" & all... Here's a lil sum' sum'.
Skip to 2:43 for the tyler & caroline scene. Its super touching:'(
Stephan's fucken badass. *faints.
& then he goes & be a dick to elena. Ugh, jerk. Delena ftw.
Ohkayy, so after the ep, waited till about 1230 when lynette replied me & headed for our study/homework date @queenstown library. Crapped a bit with her & H2H too. It was nice & also semi depressing, to the extent she stopped productive & lost her mood in doing maths:/ As for me, i managed to complete 2 D&T components, my english essay first introduction & my chinese essay. So i can say it was pretty productive huh? Only managed to complete it around 830, so bus-ed home & had dinner. After dinner, continued on with D&T & managed to finish another component & half of th last component too. Hoping i can get it down before the concert tomorrow. GAHHH, ITS SIMPLE PLAN'S CONCERT tomorrow!! Can die, super excited:') But still not very happy about what iv've decided to wear. shall go through my wardrobe again tomorrow/later:) Okay, end of todays post.
Mood's okok i guess:p So shall move on to the next part of the post, MY CURRENT MOST WANTS.
Imma do some wants here that are non beauty related. Like not make up or beauty related. The make up & beauty related ones i'll have them up on my BeautyBlog along with my haul from yesterday alright:) Do go check them out!
Okayyy, so here goes...
1.Nude pumps/peeptoes from Christian Louboutins.
2. Have macaroons from LADURÉE.
3. Olympus Pen
4. Leopard Envelope Clutch.
5.Feather Earing.
6. THIS.
Okayyyy, That's all for today Darlings! Do continue to support me y'all! Might do a tutorial tomorrow for my concert makeup look:> will be really hectic, but nonetheless, i'll try! HUHU:> Love you! Bye
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